Graduates 'should try leaving UK'
More than 300,000 people graduate in the UK every year
The government is urging graduates to consider a spell working abroad, whether in internships or volunteering, to avoid the worst of the recession.
The advice is backed by the National Union of Students and is being handed out on leaflets at universities over the next couple of weeks.
Recent figures suggest there will be a 5% drop in jobs for new graduates this summer, compared to last year.
So with this happy happy news i thought it was time i reflect on MY own future....
Well, tomorrow being the last day of year two, im now in my last year of uni. That is a scary thought as i have grown fond of m uni time, bumming around and getting some marks along the way.
i have also met some amazing people. There is nobody in my course i hate, which is a different feeling from school when there was so many different personalities you couldn't help but not get along with everyone.
I feel like i have grown as a person at uni. At school i was the worst at public speaking and now i feel as if i can do it.
I think about the day a year from now when uni will be over and we will graduate into the big, wide world and im filled with fear and doubt.
I just do not know what i want to do with my life, i just know that even after graduating i am going to end up in a dead end job in an office somewhere. Before this morning i had the stability of Andi being in the army and im not being a moocher in any way i just felt a litle more secure that he had a stable wage and job and i could find a job wherever he was. Now i don't know what i am going to do. I want to get out of Carlisle so bad i just don't have the money.
Sad panda. What are we all going to do? Do any of us realise what we want to do or what the future will bring. I guess none of us will know until it happens.
I'm not going to let it get me down Que sera sera is what i say:
- Enjoy the ride while you have the energy to enjoy it.
- Take chances
- life is a tragedy to those who feel, a comedy to those who think
- To succeed, you need to take that gut feeling in what you believe and act on it with all of your heart.
Hope these inspire you all!! Now don't be scared by what's happening in the world today live your life the way you want to, but most importantly: enjoy it!
Procrastination is the theif of time......i should really revise :)